1. Construction and renovation: Air scrubbers are often used during construction or renovation projects to remove dust, dirt, and other particulates from the air. This helps to maintain a clean and safe environment for workers and prevents contamination of the surrounding area.

2. Disaster clean-up: Air scrubbers can be used after natural disasters, such as floods or fires, to remove smoke, mould, and other harmful contaminants from the air.

3. Healthcare facilities: Air scrubbers are used in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities to remove airborne pathogens and other contaminants from the air. This helps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and provides a safe and healthy environment for patients and staff.

4. Residential and commercial buildings: Air scrubbers are commonly used in residential and commercial buildings to remove allergens. Dust, and other pollutants from the air. This helps to improve indoor air quality and create a more comfortable and healthy living or working environment.


  • 3 Statage Filtration Option
  • Stackable
  • Daisy Chain Option
  • 650 CFM

• Factory
• Restoration
• Household Projects
• Environments where there is:
– Sewage
– Mould
– Fire damage
– Bad-smelling gasses.


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